ZF North America – Missing or Loose Brake Pedal Locking Screw

ZF North America (ZF) is recalling certain Integrated Pedal Units (IPU) part number: 9650019900. The shaft locking screw on the brake pedal may be missing or may not be fully threaded, which can cause the brake pedal to detach.

Report Received Date 09/20/2022
NHTSA ID 22E078000
Consequence Summary A detached brake pedal can cause a loss of pedal function, increasing the risk of a crash.
Corrective Action ZF will work with the affected vehicle manufacturer to repair or replace the brake pedal units as necessary, free of charge. Owners may contact ZF customer service at 1-734-416-6200.
Recall Code NR (Not Reported)
Potentially Affected 137
Fire Risk When Parked No
Do Not Drive No
Recall Link Go to Recall (https://www.nhtsa.gov/recalls?nhtsaId=22E078000)

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